Thanks for bringing me back yesterday. You taught me an important lesson.
When I got home from work, I initiated an art project with you. I figured it would be a fun way for us to spend time together. I missed you all day at work and looked forward to being with you. After a few minutes on the project, you took a break and began to lean on my shoulder. I asked you if you wanted to do the project with me, since it would be a fun time together. You replied in tears, "Dad, I just want you to hold me." I promptly stopped the project. We went over to sit in the big maroon chair in the living room. I held you on my lap. That worked for me. It was so nice just to hold you, my arms wrapped tightly around you as laid your head on my chest. In the midst of busyness, projects, trying to get work done, productivity, fun activities, etc., there is always room--no, the need--to just hold one another.
I love you. Your mom and I fall in love with you more and more with each passing day. You are our joy and our delight.