A couple days ago, you turned 19 months old. Your verbal vocabulary is growing, but still somewhat limited. The list contains the following: please, thank you, Mom, clean up, sorry, Maddy, Daddy, doggie. I think that's about it. However, despite the limited list, you communicate so much more with your facial expressions and arm motions.
One of my favorite things to do with you is playful head bonking. As I hold you, we lock eyes and bump heads. You always get a kick out of it. To be successful, we have to repeat this exercise about a dozen times.
Speaking of bonking heads, you take it upon yourself in an important way to inform us of any time you get hurt. You hold the part of your body (such as your finger) that got hurt, show us a hurt look, and then point to the exact thing or person that injured you. Of course, the injuries are never serious. But your Mom and I enjoy watching you recount the whole story of what happened and how it took place. Again, no words. Just lots of babbling and pointing to things that play a part in your story. Classic.
You're a sweet little girl. One of the parenting books I had read suggested that a toddler understands 10 times whatever you as a parent think your toddler understands. I totally believe it. The other night, you were fussing in the kitchen. After multiple admonishments to cease the fussing, I disciplined you by having you sit on your step at the bottom of the stairs. You cried quietly but stayed in your spot on the stairs. After a minute, I came and sat next to you. As soon as I was next to you, you stopped your crying and gave me your full attention. I spoke to you about why you were there. You gave me a hug and said "orree". After that, we went back to the kitchen and you were the perfect little girl.
I love you, my Guadalupe. Thanks for my being my beautiful girl. I can't wait to hear your voice as you learn to speak and communicate.
All my love,