Thank you for your love, surprises, and the moments that we are together. There is so much to learn on a daily basis in better knowing and trusting God in parenting, in loving, being faithful in the little things, and just taking up the little crosses that come with our journey toward heaven. Without the Veronicas and Simons in each of you, how could this be done alone? I loved the other day when I saw the three of you coming back from the store as I was preparing Friday night's dinner for our friends who blessed our evening with their company. Madge was coming quickly up the stairs to surprise me with roses. I love them! But more than the roses, the best gift was that I was thought of at the store and you marked that thought with such a special gift.
Being a wife and mom is truly a gift. I celebrate that gift of life-giving love today, St. Gianna's feast day. What a privilege it is to be a woman and to be granted the privilege and great responsibility of parenting God's little ones. I need His help every day to journey forward to be patient, loving, and most of all selfless. I thank my little family for their little ways of showing me how to love and give in the smallest and biggest of ways.
This past Sunday was one of those days to just drink in the blessings of family life after we came home from Mass. The girls romped with Caleb, and Pita played her game with Dad: he pretends to sleep and Pita (or Maddy) comes up and kisses him, waking him up. Wa-la! I am glad I am alive. Thank you to my parents for saying "yes" to life and not counting the costs along the way. St. Gianna, pray for us, that we too would be worthy of the promises of Christ.
To celebrate this day, the girls and I packed up a small lunch after we arrived back from today's last lesson with WWP. The sun was shining, the breeze was swaying (great for our bubble-blowing!), and Peach was ready to throw around the ball. We had a great picnic in between Pita getting up and eating on the go, blowing big breaths through an empty bubble wand, all of us playing hide-and-seek, Maddy climbing the jungle gym, Peach pouncing in mud, and Madge run up and down, up and down, UP and DOWN the hill. Pita, I love how you kept an eye on Maddy's "hiding" spot while I did the counting. We were sure to find her in no time... and we did! You and I hid behind a little bush, while Maddy perseveringly looked through the park for us. You stepped out from behind the bush and were in clear view, but as soon as Maddy saw you and ran towards us, you ducked behind the bush again. Peach, you make me laugh! We came home to enjoy clean hands, shoes off, barefoot toes, and books before nap. Now, you, my girls, are fast asleep after I sat with you and bounced you... one of my favorite parts of our day as you snuggle up to get cosy. I love you both. We will look forward to Daddy's arrival home before we all head back out for a family walk, a picnic in another park, and back home for showers and bed for the girls before I head out to celebrate more with some other moms on this feast of St. Gianna's. I'm glad I am alive...