Friday, January 28, 2011
Big Aspirations
Thursday, January 27, 2011
It's a Snowy Day
Last night, well, yesterday afternoon on our way back from overseas' training, Caleb, Little Caleb, and I were hit with a downpour of snow.
Anyway, the morning has been sunny. Our activities surrounded around weather, snowflakes and good books: The Snowy Day, Weather and Climate, and The Mitten.
Monday, January 24, 2011
"Knock, Knock"
It's not yet 7am. I am sitting at the computer: books for the day--check; power-tie--check; cup of coffee--check; knock-knock jokes--che...what? The girls are in the living room playing in their princess castle. I overhear Pita saying, "Knock, knock. Who's there?" Madge replies, "No, Peach. You just do the first part." She catches on after a try or two. The following jokes are the big hits (don't ask me why):
Knock, knock. Who's there? Banana strawberry. Banana strawberry who. Banana strawberry princess. Teeheehee.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Strawberry. Strawberry who. Strawberry mommy. Teeheehee.
Thanks for the morning entertainment, my beautiful girls.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Banana strawberry. Banana strawberry who. Banana strawberry princess. Teeheehee.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Strawberry. Strawberry who. Strawberry mommy. Teeheehee.
Thanks for the morning entertainment, my beautiful girls.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Happy 6 months, Sweet Face!
You are 6 months old today, Mr. Cal-see! What a joy you are in our lives. You make us all happy with your sweet, sweet smile, your contagious giggles--- to the point of your getting hiccups(!), and your big blue eyes make us all melt. We love you, sweet boy. Thank you for being the little brother that you are to your big sisters. They cannot get enough of you. Last night as I was bouncing Pita to sleep she started asking, "I hold baby?" Even as tired as she was, she still wanted you in her arms. Our precious time with you on the couch was super last night: just you and I and Dad. You kept gazing back at Dad in between snuggling with Mommy. We love you. Keep growing closer each day to Jesus and stay right by Blessed Mama, and you will be set for a good life. Happy 6 months, sweets! (We will be celebrating your 1/2 birthday tonight with a little party and a BIG, sweet, chocolate chip cookie your sisters are going to help me make AND decorate later this afternoon.) We will be dancing to your song tonight.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Art, Simplicity and Beauty in Color
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Português, Português, Português
Last week we began Portuguese classes at a nearby national language institute. Both Mares and I have been using the same language tutor, which has been nice to ensure consistency in our learning and pronunciation. So far it has been going well. I really enjoy it but have also been feeling the mental strain of learning a new language. 40 hours a week of Portuguese is, well, intense. It's cute that every day Madge is asking us how to say one thing or another in Portuguese.
Ate amanha, Português.
Ate amanha, Português.
If They Were Countries...
I think this is such a neat map. The Economist overlays countries with the GDP of each of the states in the U.S. For example, Taiwan's GDP is the size of Michigan's, and Australia's GDP is the size of New York's. This provides some interesting perspective for taking stock of the United States in the world.

Friday, January 14, 2011
My Baby
Last night, Madge, we were saying the Rosary, and you walked into the kitchen where I was packing Dad's lunch for the next day, when you asked, "Mom, can I sit on your lap, like Jesus sat on Blessed Mama's? I want to be a baby forever." I later told you that if I had to repeat my favorite things of the day, that would have been a big one. You made Mom's day at night. I love you, sweet girl.
Mr. Almost-6-Month Old
Little Caleb,
You are Mr. Happy: My Joy, and oh, So MUCH more!

As I was getting a little workout in the other night, I was listening to your song--the song we played lots and lots and sang when your little heart beat inside me-- and just appreciating your life again, and again, and again.I did know that everything would work out, and I, each day, promise you that I will give you SO much, although you have given me more than I could have ever imagined. You have given us a beautiful world. Our atmosphere is joy with you in it.
I love you, sweet little face.
You are Mr. Happy: My Joy, and oh, So MUCH more!
As I was getting a little workout in the other night, I was listening to your song--the song we played lots and lots and sang when your little heart beat inside me-- and just appreciating your life again, and again, and again.I did know that everything would work out, and I, each day, promise you that I will give you SO much, although you have given me more than I could have ever imagined. You have given us a beautiful world. Our atmosphere is joy with you in it.
I love you, sweet little face.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sisters and Brother Time.. The best time here!
Madge, Peach and Cal-see,
We love you, you threesome! You have the best time playing together. Today, Caleb was your little baby, Madge, and Pita had her little dolly as her "baby"-- imaginary play you love all THE t-i-m-e.
I love you, three. Keep playing. Keep enjoying life. Always love one another. You are each other's best friends.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
St. Louis
In St. Louis, we were able to visit with Mary's parents (who flew in from Seattle), and with other family members and close friends. We enjoyed catching up with so many people. Going back to the church where we were married and to the restaurant where we had our rehearsal dinner were particularly memorable moments. It was the first time for everyone to meet Baby Caleb.
It felt like we were making a documentary entitled "24 hours in Chicago." That was literally the case. We arrived noon one day and left at noon the next. We went to visit with my brother, Micah. We had a great time with him. In that short period of time, we had a taco lunch at his apartment, traveled to Navy Pier and visited the Chicago Children's Museum, marveled at the Lincoln Park Zoo evening Christmas lights (joined at this time by Micah's delightful fiance Suzanne), had a Brazilian pizza dinner with Micah, Suzanne, and Suzanne's sister (followed by some Wii entertainment ), and went out to breakfast the next day at one of Micah's and Suzanne's favorite breakfast haunts.
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