Friday, September 27, 2019

Penny's first confession

... so beautiful and moving. As one of our dear priest friends once told us immediately after Cal's first Confession, "Congratulations, your family tree of grace is growing!" What a difference Christ's forgiveness
 (Penny with our pastor right after her interview on Tuesday.)
 (Sweet Nellie, we know Mimi is so proud of you as she prays for your soul to be so holy and for you to know how much God loves you!)

, light and grace have on a family. We love you, sweet Penny!

14th wedding anniversary, bee stings and benadryl

The first part of the title is great, the rest was a painful, but now humorous memory. We love you, Dad! It makes me smile getting the party ready for our annual wedding anniversary ball. Now, our sweet 7 help; they prepare the house, get super excited, plan the table settings, move the furniture and have a ball, literally. It makes me smile, too, to make our "candy cones" for our children, just as I did for all the children who came to our wedding reception 14 years ago. Life is such a gift. We love you, and Little Treasure 8, you have already made everyday carrying you a privilege. We love you.

Life is bliss with a kiss during home projects

Painting Little Caleb and Yves' room.