Thursday, April 11, 2019

Happiness: stand, look and listen-- it's all around

Airplane wings with arms spread wide, running through the backyard and landing on the screened-in porch; one little girl pushing an 11-month, 20-day old baby boy in a swing as he stretches out his little arm and squeezes his fingers together in a squooshy  wave as his big sister says, "Here they come!" as she explains the "planes" about to land on the porch; a sweet ten-year old with a long swooshing, brown pony tail asks, "Can I turn on the Carpenters?"; and a contemplative 12-year old writes a letter to a dear Confirmation sponsor, who sent her a letter today. No time wasted! Happiness abounding with sweet Shelly-eyes squinting as she lets out a bursting growl. These are the sights and sounds I hear at midday on Thursday. Happiness. Really, what more can a person ask for ?

Penny reads to Marta at naptime a book that we bought when we were engaged... one day to be shared with our Treasures. The book is tattered now after so many reads, but it is doing what it was bought for: to be shared.