Wednesday, October 31, 2007
"Man-a Lisa" Pumpkin
It's Maddy's 3rd Pumpkin Carving (2 outside the womb, and 1 in). We had a great time on Sunday as we watched Caleb carve our plump pumpkin. Afterwards he told me the story behind the mouth: if you look at it and see on the left side (facing it) it appears to be smiling, but if you look at its other half, the right side appears to be frowning. He is our "Man-a Lisa" Pumpkin.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Little Pro-Baby Girl
A couple of days ago Maddy and I headed out to support the 40 Days for Life Campaign by meeting a friend and her baby boy at a nearby abortion clinic, where we walked along the side walk in front of the abortion mill, with other prayerful pro-lifers outside. I brought a sign, and Maddy practiced holding it before we left. But really, I didn't need one. I had a beautiful witness to the beauty, sacredness, simplicity, and laughter of life in my arms: all 20+ pounds of her. Cars passed and honked quite frequently. Maddy just stayed there, complacent in my arms, and waved back. She'll be making friends with passers-by for the months to come as we make our way back on a monthly basis. Who knows what future friends she is helping save by just being.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Happy Birthday, Lou! 10.28.07
Happy Birthday, Louise. We are thankful to God for your life. You were born in a year that has been etched in American history. We thank Mom and Dad for welcoming life right off in their marriage, and for giving life to you, my oldest (and shortest) sister. You are my sister and our friend. We love you and pray that your angel may watch over you and guide your footsteps in this journey called life. Thanks to God for yours. Much love from us.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Homonym or Homophone? Or, Neither?
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Stumpies
On Saturday afternoon we headed out for an excursion along the Occoquan river. Occoquan Regional Park is a beautiful Fall wonderland and the leaves are changing into beautiful burnt oranges, roasting reds, and beaming yellows. While there at the river walk, we also found our namesake.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I am so thankful for my life. I have so much to be thankful for, so much that some will never experience, and in response to what I have been given I say, "Thank you" to God, my little family of Madge and Caleb, my parents for giving me life, my siblings for being with me from childhood until now (and again to my parents for giving me siblings), and my new family through marriage, and to such dear friends. How blessed I am. With each passing day and each passing year, I realize how blessed I am and how I should share my joys with others and show them how much I appreciate them and how much they are loved. I had a wonderful birthday on the 10th. Caleb had given me the wonderful gift of taking off the day of my birthday, the day after, and then he had that Friday off for his flex day. So, I thought, we would have some really special time as a family. I was right on the part of having special time, but there were a few others besides the three of us. On Tuesday evening, Maddy and I had stuck close to home and done a few things around here. Caleb was due back at around 7pm. Because I hadn't gone out for errands, the car was in its spot throughout the day, until I headed out around 5pm to take out trash. A few minutes before Maddy and I headed out to drop the trash in the dumpster, Maddy stood at our bedroom window and looked out saying, "Da-Da." I told her, "No, Daddy doesn't come home for a couple more hours. Then we headed outside, only to find that our car was gone. I had seen it all day sitting there, so I thought "Oh great, it's been stolen." I called Caleb immediately at work. No Answer. Then I tried his cell phone, which he answered and said that he was running errands. He had taken the early shuttle home to surprise me and picked up the car. So here Maddy really had seen Caleb out the window. Within 45 minutes, Caleb was home and I was preparing dinner. He asked if I wanted to make a bit more chicken, because he had plans for the next day. I told him I could make it later, since it was no big deal to defrost it and bake some more. Little did I know he was trying to subtly say: "Please make more. We're having company in 15 minutes." Sure enough, there was a knock at the door the eve of my birthday, and it was Caleb's day and his little sister and brother. They had driven 10 hours just to surprise me on my birthday. I was stunned, surprised, so happy. I was so touched. His little sister and Dad had to leave the day after my birthday, but Joe would stick around for a week. I got some great gifts, but they visit was amazing. That night Caleb's Dad surprised me with a crockpot (something I've been wanting to get) and brought handpicked apples so that he could make his special "Beeba Applesauce." So there he was at 9:30pm, peeling apples and starting the aromatic apple blend that would creep through our house throughout the night. The next morning I woke up to my sweet baby girl holding my face and kissing me. We went to 9am Mass and then headed down to Occoquan to this little park on the river where I opened my presents and ate homemade cupcakes. Afterwards we walked to my favorite shop in Occoquan, came home and prepared the lasagna for dinner, and then got changed to play Aussie tennis --Caleb, his Dad, and I--while Mary and Joe watched Maddy play at her favorite little park. I had a wonderful day filled with calls from family and notes from friends, cards, presents, and surrounded by the love of others. Thank you, everyone. I had a super day.
Maddy's 1st
At this point in Maddy's life: 15 months after her birth, we are still counting all of the "firsts." One of these is the fact that she is just feeling what Fall weather and seasonal changes are all about. Having been born in Beijing in the peak of summer, visited family in the Midwest in the scorcher month of August, and returned to Honolulu for the rest of her babyhood time, and then having moved to the mainland in summer, she has never felt cooler weather, i.e. anything below 70 degrees. So, here we are in Fall. She sported a jacket the other day at the soccer field and romped around with Dad and Uncle Joe. She also is enjoying her pumpkin. Welcome Fall. It is Maddy's 1st, and she is enjoying it. So are we.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Being Childlike is so Freeing and Fun

Remember, Pray, Take Action

Remember that today is the Pro-Life Memorial for the 48 million unborn babies, who have been murdered by abortion since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. There are so many events that are taking place throughout this month of October, and today, October 1st, is the Supreme Court's first day in-session. Please pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten their minds and strengthen their wills to make truly wise decisions. We were all little people, helpless and voiceless inside our Moms at one time.

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