Yesterday, our three treasures sat on the step near the backyard and gazed upward toward Him. We give you thanks, Lord, for your goodness in sharing these three precious lives with us. We thank you for the individual personalities you have blessed them with. We thank you for their sweet and wondrous ways that are so good, so sweet, so holy. It is no wonder that you say, "Let the children come to Me." (Mt. 19). It reminds me that so many times you see the goodness in each of us that so many times others do not see. And, you see the difficulties too, but you love us nonetheless. For this, I am grateful.
A song we love to sing as a family:
Lord, you are more precious than silver. Lord, you are more costly than gold. Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds and nothing I desire compares with you. And, nothing I desire compares with you.