Friday, April 17, 2015

Our school moments, woven into God's timing and tapestry

Our Joy Journal, which we began here in Argentina, has the entry I recently wrote that speaks of the joy that I find in the way God weaves moments in our school day, weeks, months and years. In this life of transient moments, there has to be a spirit and a plan to be flexible and to weave in the moments when the planned and desired-to-be-executed that day, has to be woven at a different time. But, whether living a life of moves or living life in one place with many movements, there always has to be a plan to be flexible. God's will is bigger and much betetr (as He shows me every single time) than our own. I am forever grateful for and in constant awe of the way He perfectly times a lesson or a supplement to what we are learning. Whether it is in studying flowers in the days after our nature walk for Dad's birthday and pressing the flowers for a beautiful picture for Dad for his later gift, or going to the Buenos Aires Art Museum after our Term of study of the Impressionists and then getting to see Renoire's, Degas', and Monet's impressionist art work, or incorporating all of our fractions and life skills in cooking meals and making Dad's birthday treats, or the concert in Uruguay at a Catholic Church where Bach's and Vivaldi's music was being played as we have been learning about all of the classical composers.. the list goes on, because life continues and God always is there and weaving goodness and learning into real living and learning. Learning and living are not mutually exclusive but so joined, and that is the way life should be. Each of us is just one person with woven moments, one feeding off the other, growing and expanding . These days I'd would never trade, just make them last longer; they go too fast.