At such an early age,
even in utero, babies are attracted to their parents' voices. They recognize tones, words, even stories told while they grow inside. Babies are sponges; they learn so fast and grow so quickly. To some people this may seem scary, to others, this is phenomenal. Some parents get worried about curbing their and their friends' language when their children are around. Why? I suppose that they do not want their kids to pick up bad habits, words, etc. To me, though, I see babies and kids as little catalysts that keep us on track. Instead of seeing babies as little patrol cops, I see them as little angels that help us on the straight path. If it's not good for them, it most likely isn't the best for us either (I am not talking about age-appropriate material: educational topics, hearing/seeing news material, which is sometimes violent, but just
good vs.
bad). The other day I was ending a conversation with someone on the phone, and I said the usual "B-bye." Lo(w) and behold, a little voice echoed below, "B-byyyyye." Maddy hears everything and mimics so much. She did it again this morning, but this time resounded my "Hi, Dad," to Caleb. If all of us are supposed to become like little children, who echo their parents' behaviors, who should we be following on a daily basis? Have we become like little children in echoing our Father's behavior?