Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Some Sweet Treats
Erin's Grandma's Delicious Meme's Famous Chocolate Mousse with Homemade Berry Sauce (drizzled over the mousse) and ...
St. Louis Apple Cobbler:
Mix Together
4 cups sliced apples
1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
Other Ingredients
1 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 egg, well beaten
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup chopped nuts
Place apples in 10-inch round pan. Combine sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over apples. Combine dry ingredients. Mix egg, milk and butter, add to dry ingredients and stir until smooth. Pour over apples and bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
All Change Is Not Progress—the Diaper-Free Movement
In such a context it’s interesting that our political sphere juxtaposes conservatives and progressives. It’s as if one group of people is frozen in time (namely the past) and the other is moving towards the future (progress). Unfortunately, all too frequently liberals equate change with progress. Not all change is progress. Change in a positive direction is progress. Change in a negative direction is regression. Change on a lateral scale is simply alteration.
Current affairs are chock full of examples of regression championed as progress. It’s a pity. A recent AP article entitled Growing Diaper-Free Movement Relies on Babies’ Instincts, Body Language piqued my interest. The article exhibits a group of parents who believe that “elimination communication” can enable babies to relieve themselves without the use of diapers. Environmental concerns and skin irritation phobia inspire this diaper-free movement. The article states a third reason: Others were inspired by observing the practice while traveling abroad. Hmm. Mary and I had the experience of observing the practice when we were living in
Monday, August 27, 2007
Becoming Like a Child
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet
Things have recently changed around here. The little feet that I used to feel inside me are now making noise down the hall. The little "baby" is getting bigger. Maddy now climbs out of bed and walks down the hall all by herself when she is all done with her nap. The time is flying by, and our little girl is growing up. I used to worry that she would fall off the bed. Now she lets herself down by flipping over and sliding off the bed, before opening the bedroom door and walking down the hall to greet me in the living room when she is all done sleeping. There are so many changes that take place, and yet I enjoy every one of them and am so happy that I have been here to see all of them. The changes remind me to enjoy the present moment, remember the sweet days of old, and look forward to a wonderful future with our little "baby."
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Why Bitterness?

Over the years I have often thought about why some individuals can be so bitter and instead of handling the difficulty that they seem to allow themselves to get caught up in, it comes out on someone who is not doing anything wrong, who is being himself, who is enjoying life, loving his family, and every moment that God gives him. To be jealous(y) (which stems from pride--or lack of having a healthy pride/gratefulness in something to call one's own), of something that another has, is so empty. Why? Because the bitter and jealous person is so possessive of control, just in the wrong area: everywhere but in himself and in the things that actually count. Rudeness, mean-spirited comments, constant "fixing" of others imperfections, are so ugly, and yet for the bitter one, he thinks that he is on top of his game. He beat the other. He won, so he thinks. But has he? The aggressor leaves the situation of his monologue feeling vindicated, because he got the last grumpy word. But, it's not about the last word, or the fact that he "fixed" a mistake left by another, it is about bearing with one another in difficulty, rejoicing in the differences, and taking up the many opportunities for introspection, here and now, while we are alive and conscious of our good and bad behaviors.
Whenever I am hurt though, by others' comments, manners, etc., those are moments when I have to look more at myself and take out the weeds, any bitter actions, so that I do not cause someone hurt. Jesus must have felt so burdened by hurts; for His Father created each one of us for so much, and yet I wonder how much I, all of us, our neighbors, friends, family members, and relatives measure up to Jesus' expectations. That really makes me think, and I catch myself having fallen so many times. Yet, the key is catching ourselves, getting back up, and jumping back into Our Shepherd's loving and forgiving arms.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Making Decisions Based on Principle
It can be excruciatingly difficult to live by principles. A life devoid of principles is a life driven by a subjective, ad hoc, set of values that fundamentally alters anytime it's convenient.
Philosophy typically divides the world into three categories: being, thought, and action. Each category is fundamentally different. The United States judicial system is prosecuting those individuals whose actions go against an established law. Our laws establish what we can do and what we can't do: they don't establish what we can think and can't think. It's not the place of any government or institution to dictate our thoughts. Individual rational thought is an essential part of the human person. "Nuf said."
While thought-crimes exist in various parts of the world, I don't know of any precedents where thought-crimes have been prosecuted. Recently, however, law enforcement agencies are moving in the direction of punishing thought-crimes in the U.S. In a pluralistic country such as the United States, every opinion or world-view should possess equal value and validity. Yet, it's becoming increasingly dangerous to adopt controversial/marginal opinions. While I disagree with pedophilia in principle and practice, should law enforcement agencies restrict American citizen activities simply based on ones thoughts? As attested in this article, many think so. I disagree. A society that is truly pluralistic must in theory and in practice rank all opinions as equal. Like I was saying before, it can be tough to apply good principles to all circumstances.
(For what it's worth, I personally don't think that countries should be as pluralistic as the U.S. I think that pluralism is a good thing but within certain parameters. National constitutions should provide those healthy parameters that, by nature, will be discriminatory. For instance, insofar as the U.S. constitution mentions God, it discriminates against atheists.)
At a personal level it can also be difficult to apply principles of discipline to our kids. We have to pray for the strength to cling to our principles in all times...even when the going gets tough.
On Friday, 8.03.07, Caleb took Maddy and me to the baseball game at the Washington Nationals' stadium. Had the Nationals been playing against any other team, I would have been pumped to go to the game for the whole baseball experience, because I love it. But, they were playing the St. Louis Cardinals. Once a Cardinals fan, always a Cardinals fan. It was fun to be cheering on my hometown team. I was a bit envious, though, of the fact that the whole team had just come from home. I miss it, and it will always be home. This was Maddy's first baseball game; her first evening for a Metro ride. She had a ball!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
More Stuff to Win!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Last night it was late by the time I climbed into bed (for the second time). The first time I laid in bed, I realized that I had not made Caleb's bag lunch for the next day, and I could not sleep, because my daily work was not finished. I usually make his lunch for the next day, just before I go to bed the night before. But, last night I was slacking. I could have multi-tasked while I chatted with my Mom for thirty minutes on the phone or when I spoke to my sister Kate in Australia for an hour. Hmm, did I have enough time in our hour-long conversation? Of course, but I was just lazy. It was late when I laid in bed and asked Caleb, "Can you wake me when you get up (5am)?" With a curiosity in his voice he responded, "Why?" I couldn't just say "Because," because why would I be getting up at that time? So, I told him that I needed to make his lunch. He told me not to worry about it; he'd get it. No, I was not satisfied. So as soon as he nodded off with his miniature sidekick sprawled out beside him, I quietly crept out of bed and tiptoed down the hall before hitting the squeaky floor in the living room. Thankfully, neither Sleepy One nor Two awoke, and I was able to make lunch. "Why?" I asked myself at 11pm, as I romped through the kitchen in my pjs. Because: I love him. He never tells me that he cannot go to work because he is too tired. He says that he goes to work because he loves us. So, even if it is late, I will arise and finish my work. Then, I can go to bed knowing that I finished my tasks and have set up the day well for the one, who never counts the cost, I love so much. (Plus, it is nice to be completely tired when climbing into bed, and as any spouse and mom knows, when you get up to do "one" thing, you think of ten more, just because.)