Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Just a second ago Maddy made me stop what I was doing and just soak up a fleeting moment. I was in the kitchen and flipping through recipe books and wondering what to make for dinner before I e-mailed my sister for this recipe. when Maddy walked up to me. She had been asking me something and she led me to the closet. All she wanted was for me to open the closet by the front door so that she could play with all the shoes that hang on the door. Soon after getting into her shoe wonderland, she walked into the kitchen with her new shoes from Mimi and Pa-pa on her correct feet. I was proud of her. Whether the shoes were on her "wrong" feet or not, I would have been proud, because she walks to us in such a humble manner as if to say, "Look, Mom and Dad. Look what I did." I bent down, away from recipe-looking and hugged her. Soon after hugging her, she stood there asking, "Mo-o-r?" and poking her hand with her "Maddy sign-language" (her version of ASL). Here she is asking for "M-o-o-r?" Anytime, Madge. I love you.