A few days ago Maddy and Pita and I joined a friend and her little boy down in the city where we prayed outside Planned Parenthood with Fr. Pavone of Priests for Life and David Bereit of 40 Days for Life. It was a blessing to be there. God supplied us with a parking spot right in the middle of the day. That is a feat in itself, considering DC traffic, possible tickets, and limited parking. We arrived and joined in on the Rosary. Fr. Frank prayed, and then David spoke words of encouragement, thankfulness, and perseverance. He had been in 38 cities within the last 21 days. A true missionary for life he is. The hustle of the city ran about us; people scurried before us; prayers were calm and constant as we stood before Planned Parenthood a place of death and lies. Maddy and her little friend prayed too, and how could anyone deny the beauty and innocence of a child? David and Fr. Pavone made some very good points, some of which were: how important it is to pray before an abortion clinic where, at the end of the day, we can say that by our presence, the consciences of the doctors, nurses and staff within were probed; and, no child died alone for we were with them in prayer. To see our picture with other 40 Days for Life participants, visit: http://40daysforlife.com/blog/