The other day I turned on the vacuum here at home: something ordinary that no one would really think much about. There was one thing that made me flinch, though, after I saw Pita break into tears at the sound of the vacuum. The sound of it and the timing of that sound, broke her little world of quiet concentration and peacefulness. And yet I was there to comfort her. At that moment I thought about the little people, the little people that are often forgotten, especially in this country where they are not only forgotten, but there is aggressive promotion to forget them, agressive promotion to kill them. The unborn baby's silent, peaceful, and cosy existence in her mothers' womb is broken on a daily basis, in fact, thousands of times each day when tools are used to suck every part of the unborn children's bodies from their once-safe and cosy haven--their mothers' womb. When I saw Pita flinch at the noise of the very powerful vacuum, I could not help but think of how awful, how scary, how excruciating it must be for these babies, their tiny bodies that
DO. FEEL. EVERY. BIT. OF. PAIN. to undergo murder under the hands of doctors, doctors that one moment can welcome life into this world, and in the next moment end an innocent baby's future in that same world. Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night by some noise, a dream, a bad pain? How blessed we are in those moments afterwards to experience that it was just a dream or that the noise came and went, or that the pain was oh, so temporary. Not for an unborn child, though. That pain is real. It is life-threatening. It kills. It even leaves her mother wounded for life. Abortion is not silent. (Last Sunday as the four of us were praying outside a local abortion mill with fellow families, the woman who leads Respect Life at our parish told us that AAA is located next to this particular abortion mill, where on a daily basis, they can hear the abortion machines being used. It is that loud that they (AAA) turns on the Divine Mercy cd not only to drown out the horrible noise but also to be used its prayerful message as a means of mercy to the abortion staff and the disillusioned moms undergoing the torture of abortion.) Although many people want to dismiss the atrocity of abortion and pretend that it is just "one" of many important issues at stake this election, we cannot deny its gravity, its severity, its fundamental importance upon which all other issues, yes,
ISSUES, are built. If the president of the U.S. cannot guarantee the safety and protection of the feeblest, the most innocent, and precious lives: the unborn, how can a citizen (outside the womb) be even slightly sure his or her safety will be upheld?. As a priest at our parish mentioned in his homily this past Sunday, "It is as though Satan is chewing life up at both ends--in the womb and with the sick and elderly with euthanasia. Before going to the polls in less than two weeks, let's not kids ourselves and pretend that abortion is a side issue. But rather, let us recall the protection that our mother's gave us when each of us was just a little embryo, a fetus, a little one, a
human being in utero, and speak up for the voiceless who would do anything to be in our shoes where we are safe, free, unscathed, and able to
choose life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness not only for ourselves but more importantly, for the unborn and elderly whose voices are being muffled.