This past Friday, Post-Thanksgiving-Friday, the girls and I bundled up and headed north to our beloved Nation's Capital for a stroll with The Daddy-Wads after he broke out of the office into the crisp, evening air. It was delightful. Every time I look at our kids I'm humbled, for so many reasons, but for starters, their childlike curiosity and simplicity fills me with peace. As we ventured onto The Mall (The
Special Mall---had to clarify for Madge since she was expecting a "real" mall) amidst the droves of tourists, DC professionals, and the old and young alike, Maddy bent down and touched the ground. Who would have thought a girl could be so lucky to find sand AND rocks at this
special "mall" all in one place and one night? Maddy carefully plucked a pebble from the gritty sand and let it plop to the ground before gawking at the passers-by. The winter sky was illuminated at the horizon by the sinking sun and the Capitol stood silently in the backdrop. As we snapped photos here and there, we eventually made our way over to the playful Carousel that was dancing merrily around-and-round. We didn't even have to climb on to enjoy its jolly tempo. On our way out to Independence Avenue, we meandered through the grounds and placid gardens of the Smithsonian castle. After such an enjoyable evening, we all felt like a royal family, in just spending time together.
Update: On our way past the city yesterday, Maddy saw the Washington Monument and said "The special mall!" And, the evening before that we were on our way to the local mall, and Madge asked if we were going to the "special mall." Learning the meaning behind synonyms is beginning...at the age of 2.