I have been staying at the Westin Chosun, which is a convenient walk away from the embassy. On the map, one can see the embassy location. The Chosun is next to city hall. It's chilly outside but very pleasant.
Althouggh our meetings yesterday were with officials from six ministries, they were all hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fun fact about Korea: while home to its (in)famous kimchi, Korea is actually a kimchi net importer. Thank you, China. (This is comparable to the U.S. being a net importer of hot dogs.)
Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and 7-11 have done a fabulous job of market penetration over here. They can be found on almost every corner. Madge, I'll try to get you a couple donut holes. (No kimchi flavor available: sorry!) Seriously, though, I did have kimchi the last time I was here in Seoul. Yesterday for lunch at the embassy cafeteria, however, I opted for the turkey and cheese sandwich.