The other day I was listening to Madge recount the Bible story of the Great Flood in Noah's time, and she said, "And Jesus said, 'I will never do anything like this to you again,"-- His promise to us through the sign of the rainbow. It is true, so true, that He will never send anything that will over take us, hidden or in-the-open, because He has conquered all things. I believe that is why I love the passage in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that says: "No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it."
Recently, I was reading from one of my favorite journals, Soul Gardening, which is written ordinary wives and moms reaching for the good in each day through her vocation and responsibility as wife and as mom. Sanctifying the present moment, through, as one priest told me, "the sacrament of the present moment." One of the writers wrote a whole article on her "rainbows" and how, she believes, (and I agree) that God gives us rainbows, or, little moments throughout our lives and days that refresh us just by recalling them. These are little gifts of hope, because as we all know, life is filled with suffering. It is a part of life. Everyone suffers. However, there is hope in it all. There can be faith in it all, if we simply take off our lenses of fear and embrace it all with hope in Him, while recalling the sweet, tiny moments, the rainbows, which God gives us to show us that He is in control, and good is abounding. St. Paul says it so beautifully when he speaks of sin and grace, and how when there is great sin, grace abounds all the more. So, when there is much rain in our lives, light will come, even in the smallest recesses of our days, and then, together, rainbows are orchestrated: in quiet, little moments.