Do you remember those college days when you tried to get lots of studying in before a big event or before you packed your bags to get out of town? Those couple of hours may have been weeks of fruitful study because so much was accomplished on that minimal amount of time since that was all that was there. The reason I make the correlation is because today I had about 1-2 hours to get things cleaned up and organized at home before we headed back in the car to pick up Caleb from the carpool. Who-hoo! Within that amount of time both bathrooms got cleaned, dishes washed, floors washed, etc, etc, etc. We had been gone all morning out to Silver Spring to visit some friends and to enjoy lunch with them before heading to the Metro to pick up our good friend from down South and spend some wholesome time with her chatting, catching up, and playing with the trains at B&N. What made this day even more delightful was that friends were interspersed throughout. What a fulfilling day. Thanks, Lord, for your love spread to us in so many ways. Mimi called too and to top it off one of my sisters rang, and we got to talk for a long time. Ah, the simplicities of life. I love them.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Just like College Days
Do you remember those college days when you tried to get lots of studying in before a big event or before you packed your bags to get out of town? Those couple of hours may have been weeks of fruitful study because so much was accomplished on that minimal amount of time since that was all that was there. The reason I make the correlation is because today I had about 1-2 hours to get things cleaned up and organized at home before we headed back in the car to pick up Caleb from the carpool. Who-hoo! Within that amount of time both bathrooms got cleaned, dishes washed, floors washed, etc, etc, etc. We had been gone all morning out to Silver Spring to visit some friends and to enjoy lunch with them before heading to the Metro to pick up our good friend from down South and spend some wholesome time with her chatting, catching up, and playing with the trains at B&N. What made this day even more delightful was that friends were interspersed throughout. What a fulfilling day. Thanks, Lord, for your love spread to us in so many ways. Mimi called too and to top it off one of my sisters rang, and we got to talk for a long time. Ah, the simplicities of life. I love them.