Madge, yesterday we were riding in the car and you were showing Daddy how your lips form when you say the "th" sound in "Thursday." (These days you often ask me: "Mom, what's today?" You are curious as to what day of the week it is.) So, the other day (Wednesday) I told you: "It's Wednesday today, but tomorrow is THURSDAY." So, you said, "Mom, watch my lips... Th-ursday." Perfect "th" there between your teeth and tongue! So, on our way home from picking Daddy up last night, you went through this whole thing again. But, after you precisely stated "Th-ursday," you said: "Dad, watch my lips: 'Hairlip.'"
We cracked up, because you have no idea what a hair lip is nor have you heard that word before. Maybe you were thinking about hair and lips...I don't know, but it was so funny! In the next breath you said, "Watch my lips: 'Liphair.'" Maybe this is a new way of saying "mustache"? We love you.
This morning at Mass it was the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. As Fr. S. was reading the Gospel and said "Thomas," you were so happy to hear that name and leaned over to me to tell me your excitement. You said: "Mom, Fr. said 'Thomas the Train!" You bring a smile to our face each and every day!