Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sweet Times

To my girls,
What fun we have during the day, each day a gift. Whether the outdoors be gloomy or sunny, my days with you are filled with joys. I sat on the couch the other morning, coffee in one hand and book in another as I read to you, Peach, and I just watched you and grew in gratitude. I am so thankful for these moments with you. They are passing every day, and I see the times flittering by, and yet, I am with you all the time. How much I would miss if we were apart, and how sad I would be to know that I let those special moments go. But, I am so thankful for Daddy's hard work and our desire to grow stronger as a family and build up our best treasures here at home-- raising you! I love our tea moments and watching you two girlies enjoy your peach tea in Gram Dolan's pot. I love when you ask, "Mom, can I have tea in Gram Dolan's tea cup?" I know she must be enjoying her great-grand girlies drinking from her tea set. (Eternal rest grant unto Gram, whose birthday was yesterday, April 16). I love the times of watching you show us ballet steps, Madge. How could I forget the other night when you and Dad twirled in the living room? Memorable. Peach, you love keys. You are in a key-phase right now and absolutely love to open doors and just play at the front door for long periods of time before running to me to show me that you got the key in its hole! Pita, how can I forget to mention your awesome hugs? You say during the night, "Mama? Ma-ma?" And then I lay beside you and you wrap your little willowy arms around my neck and we snuggle into the night. You, girls, are my gems. How blessed I am to have you both, and truly it is a joy to watch you both grow into the girls God wants you to be. You are His, but boy are we enjoying these times in getting to know His treasures and lead you along the way. (I think, though, that it is you that do much of the leading. What a gift babies are!)