Thursday, March 24, 2011

Grateful to God for the Wife I have

The other day I was riding home on the metro when I witnessed a scene that caused a surge of gratitude in my heart for the wife I have. Two young women (in their twenties or thirties) were riding the metro next to me. Both of them had babies who were around 2o months of age. One of the women appeared 6 months pregnant. (Yeah, I am getting good at the numbers guessing game. Not good with people's age, but good with kids and pregnancies.) They appeared to be urban, single moms. The moms spoke loudly and rather crudely to each other. One of the babies began to cry out loudly. The moms continued talking to each other while completely ignoring for a couple minutes the loud cries of the child. All this in the midst of rush-hour hustle-and-bustle. Finally, the mother turned her our attention to her child only to hit him, telling him to shut up. The child whimpered and just sat back down. The mom promptly returned to her conversation.

It was sad to observe. I have no idea of the context of what these women have been through, I have no idea of what they are living, but I do know that these poor children deserve more.

I am very grateful to God to see how Mares works with our kids. While our kids are far from perfect, they're wonderful kids--the best! It is, nonetheless, always a work in progress: we're ever striving to improve, to work with them through problems, to talk issues through, to counsel, etc. Mares has such a delicate touch of always respecting the dignity of the child. I share with her in the belief of the dignity and respect owed to every person, even little people! Thanks, Mares, for doing such a wonderful job parenting our children. I love you and appreciate you!