Dear Dad,
Happy Birthday! We hope that you have an enjoyable birthday, filled with love and applesauce. You know the rule: the crock pot is a must! It's difficult to put into words my ever-growing love for you and my appreciation for who you are and all that you do. I can say that your life has been an abundant blessing to people everywhere. The virtues that you exemplify are numerous: some salient and indicative ones are your thoughtfulness, caring spirit, generosity and spirit of prayer.

I, along with countless others, look to you as a source of inspiration, motivation, and strength. You never fail to provide! Thanks for giving me the gift of life and for the love that you have showered me with constantly throughout my life. The happiness I see in your face when you're around Maddy and Pita is one of my greatest joys. I feel like finally in some small way I can give back to you. I love you so much, Dad. Thanks for the example that you set of fidelity in marriage, perseverance in parenting, and simplicity of life. I keep waiting to catch up to you spiritually, but as time progresses, the more I realize how impossible the endeavor is!

The girls send you lots of big hugs and slobbery kisses. Mary and I accompany them in sending you our thoughts, our love, our prayers,
Your Son (and Favorite-Born),