Saturday, September 5, 2009

A New Word for Webster's Dictionary

Monkey see, monkey do is the key. The other day Madge told me, "I'm not feeling very well," as she held a tissue up to her little nose. I asked, "Why? What happened? Do you have bloody nose or are you just 'tending?" She continued to hold the tissue up and told me she had a bloody nose. (She was imitating Caleb who easily gets them after having broken his nose twice.) Anyway, I said, "Oh, ok. Well, Madge, please don't take anymore tissues." All of the sudden she got another one, and she said, "Mom, I have a 'bluggy' nose." "What's that?" I asked. She quickly responded, "It's a 'boogie kind of blood.'" Webster's, here we come with a new definition.

Bluggy: adj. a boogie kind of blood