Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Sweets

My girls, words can not tell you how much I love you and how much joy you bring to my life. The other day Pita wanted you to read a book to her, Madge. She just loves Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and you love to read to her. I had to grab the camera really fast to catch a glimpse of your book time with one another. You take such good care of Pita, Maddy, with anything from asking her why she is upset to trying to tell her what is going on so she will be less upset. I cannot imagine life without my twosome, who very much look forward to the third addition. Lately, you have been asking, Madge, "Why does Pita love babies?" Or, you go and tell someone (like you did to our neighbor today): "Pita loves babies!" We all do, especially our two in you and the one below my heart right now.