I don't think I have said this enough: You are amazing. I look over all that you do for our family, and I love you. I look at you, and I love you. You clean, you cook, you care for your girls (me included)
not just because that needs to be done, but because you love them; you love us. You want to be a better dad and husband, and you take concrete steps to achieve that end. How grateful I am to have you.
I love your little ways. When you dress Madge you don't just pick out any old thing, you put an adorable and sometimes eclectic outfit together for her, and I love it. When you do anything, you do it with all that you have. You make the little things silly and fun. "Siddy, Dad!" as Madge would say. You are my knight. I was recently looking over the scrapbook of our dating days and engagement months and re-read words that you continue to say to me on a daily basis. That is just you. You are constant in what you do, and I thank you for that.
Thank you for: supporting me in my life's dream-job of being our girls' mom, for being my awesome coach and dear love when I was so blessed to experience the laboring of our girlies into this world with God's grace. I remember looking into your eyes during labor and seeing so much hope , encouragement, and happiness in your eyes. I thanked God in those moments for the gift of marriage, for the gift of a true friend, my sweet spouse.
Thank you for loving me. You are not only beautiful on the outside, but you are so much more inside.
Yes, sometimes I do think you are too good to be true. God has truly blessed me. I don't understand God's wisdom...or humor, but thank you for being my life partner.
You are so sweet, gentle and creative. You are also the first to admit your faults, and how humbling that is for me. Keep teaching me. I'm learning. Your love for me is endless and so are the sweet ways you show it. I remember your telling me that you loved me early on in our relationship and at that moment I felt God's love through you. I know your are His instrument of grace to me. You help me to change and grow in order to get closer to the One we both long to be closest to. You are beautiful. We miss you, and we cannot wait until you are home. There are 6 arms just waiting to hug you.