Happy 2nd Birthday! I can't believe that you are already two! I remember the day that you were born just like it was yesterday. I remember taking you home from the hospital, introducing you to your big sister Madge and spending countless hours simply admiring and loving you. You are the little girl whom we love, our Guadalupe, our Pita, our Peach, our Peach Pie, our Guady, our Lupita, our Bump, our Bumpy.
You're also our strong-willed one! I get the sense that you will be the one to keep Mom and me on our toes throughout life. (We're both second-borns, so we have that understanding between us...) You bring so much joy to our life. You are an integral part of our family. Everyone here loves you. We are so happy to have you in our lives.
I was just asking you earlier today if it's going to be your birthday. You replied with a little scrunched up nose, saying "nooo," with a nasally French accent. When I asked if you were turning two, you said no again and held up all five fingers on your hand. Yeah, right. Not so fast, kiddo! You're growing up quick enough!
As we pray every night before bed, we pray that Our Lady of Guadalupe and all the Angels of Bethlehem watch over and protect our girl, our Guadalupe Belén Maria.