Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"I'm Okay, Thank You"

Since neither Pita nor the new baby are able to express themselves with words, it's a family tradition to put words in their mouths with affected voices. Pita is now of the age where she won't let us do it for her anymore. But we still love giving the baby a voice. So, when I come home, kiss Mares' stomach and ask the baby how his day was, Madge will reply with a shrill voice, "I had a good day, daddy."

On that note, I had to laugh during one of our prayers the other day. It was our morning prayer and I started out saying, "Thank you, God, for this day. We hope that you're well." At which point, Madge interjected in a deep, gruff voice, "I'm okay, thank you." I sure hope God has a sense of humor as a 3-year old impersonates his voice. In answer to my question of why, she replied that it's hard to hear God sometimes. Yup. It is hard to hear him: it's not that he's not talking but rather that we're not listening.