"I'd really like to do mental prayer, but I don't have the time." How often this has been said! And in a hyperactive world like our own, the difficulty is a real one and should not be underestimated.
But time is not always the real problem. The problem is knowing what really matters in life. As a contemporary author remarked, no one yet has starved to death because they didn't have the time to eat. We always find (or rather take!) the time to do what really matters to us. Before saying we don't have time for mental prayer, let's begin by reviewing our hierarchy of values, to see what our real priorities are.
One of the great crises of our day is that people are no longer capable of finding time for one another, time to be with one another. Here is something that causes many deep wounds. So many children are enclosed within themselves, diillusioned and damaged, because threir parents never learned to spend time with them, with nothing else to doe except be with their child. They look after the child, but they are always doing something else or are preoccupied, never entirely there, never totally available. And the child sense this and suffers. In learning to give to time to God, we will certainly become more able to find time to be there for one another. our attentiveness to God will teach us to be attentive to others.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Time for God
Mares recommended this small-in-size-but-not-in-message book Time for God by Rev. Jacques Philippe. (I guess the book was originally recommended to Mary by--thanks, Nicky.) Wanted to share a nice insight for the day (my emphasis added):