Friday, May 4, 2007

Day 1: Welcome!

Welcome to the stump! Here we will meet and we welcome you to come and discover a bit of what we are, do, and love. The story behind our stump is this: it is our symbol for strength, rooted in the ground--our beliefs, our family, our love for one another; it is layered, which symbolizes our past, present, and future experiences, education, physical and spiritual journeys as individuals and now as a family; it is a sturdy resting spot where conversation may unfold and family and friends can enjoy watching our lives that they have helped mold and direct. Just as the roots of a tree stump branch out in various directions, so too will our conversations, paths, and topics. Our main objective is for many family members and friends to come to share information, to know us more, and to teach us something new, and to converse. Here we go!