can easily make one wonder why, really. What is the push for testing?
I do not know what it like to make the sacrifices that so many parents do for children who have extra special needs or disabilities. But I do know that God creates each one of these children and has a plan for every one of them as well, including the parents who care for them. What a gift each one is. What joy they bring to so many other lives.
I caught myself sitting on the beach one beautiful afternoon, with Caleb to one side and our little girl to the other, just watching and admiring a family of four. The younger daughter had some type of disability and an affected way of walking. However, what spoke so much louder than the physical disabilities, was that of a pure, sacrificial, enjoyable love that the parents had for their teenage daughter. I have no doubt that their lives have been difficult in making various adjustments to meet their daughter's needs. But, how beautiful it was to watch them walk with their so-loved daughter and guide her into the ocean to enjoy life, a life that could have been ended depending on another's person's perception of "normalcy." Thank God they embraced her uniqueness, regardless of the sacrifices they would be asked to make, all for the love of their flesh and blood.